Service Hotline: 0571-88585989 133-3618-5803
  • Release time: 2016 - 03 - 08
    Plastic inspection Wells,Plastic check well divided into community with check well and municipal use inspection Wells, should be according to the installation position of inspection well in engineering application, determine the corresponding inspection shaft specifications.A well,Inspection shaft should be set 1. Sewage flow slot, chute design specific requirements: slotted sewage check well flow should be 0.85 times with great diameter is flat, the flow of rainwater and confluence system inspection Wells slotted with 0.5 times fill pipe diameter is flat. Chute width at the top of the appropriate maintenance requirements.2. The rain check well want to slime room, various places have different practices, some area inside the village inspection Wells are not heavy mud chamber; In some areas...
  • Release time: 2013 - 12 - 11
    HDPE double-wall corrugated pipe is high density polyethylene as the main raw material, through the two method preparation and molding process. The first step has been produced by the extruder complete shrinkage, density, high strength type "T" slab; The third use of precast slab on the pipe forming machine winding and welding into pipe lining, at the same time, galvanized steel strip rolling into U steel belt into plate belt between the slot, and on the outside of the strip cladding PE become a new gangsu composite material of the outer wall of pipeline.HDPE double-wall corrugated pipe and compared with material solid wall pipe, can save nearly half of all raw materials, corrugated pipe is simple and reliable installation, so the HDPE double-wall corrugated pipe construction cos...
  • Release time: 2016 - 02 - 19
    1. The general provisions1.1. Before the pipe laying, the construction unit should prepare, construction organization design.1.2. Piping should be equipped in the undisturbed soil or through slot on post-processing backfill compacted foundation. When the pipe under the roadway, pipe roof covering should not be less than 0.7 m. When the pipe under the green way, pipe roof covering should not be less than 0.5 m.1.3. Construction, the maximum allowable covering on the top of the tube, should be stipulated in the design of pipe ring stiffness, on both sides of groove and check the condition of undisturbed soil, when found in accordance with the design requirements, may be required to change the design or take appropriate technical measures to ensure the bearing capacity. 1.4. When polyethylene...
MMC-ST series, make flying easier.
  • Release time: 2016 - 03 - 13
    The selection of instructions·General situation selection instructions1. Plastic drainage inspection well design, construction, inspection and maintenance in the new, expansion and renovation of urban and rural areas of municipal, residential area, public construction area of underground drainage pipeline project, the inspection well diameter is less than or equal to 1000 mm, the buried depth is less than or equal to 6 m.2. Can human operation check Ii (pipe wall) well diameter should be greater than or equal to 700mm.3. The water outlet of the road should be used in the inspection well seat of the mud chamber, the 450 is the start of the rain water outlet and the well diameter of the heavy mud well, and the well diameter is larger than the diameter of the drain pipe.4. Well bore diameter is less than 700mm is in the shape of straight wall wells, wells wellbore diameter greater than 700mm shape for closing wells, wells close to 700mm diameter.5. The well diameter of the well bore ...
  • Release time: 2016 - 04 - 19
  • Release time: 2016 - 04 - 26
    ·The pipeline1.slot construction craft, according to the construction site environment, the groove depth, the underground water level, soil condition, construction equipment and seasonal influence factors such as comprehensive selection.2.groove bottom width of dispute, in accordance with the groove depth, ground water, soil conditions and easy to operate, these provisions empty groove width table can be used for reference in the involved, the construction unit.3.underground water level is higher than the chamfered bottom elevation, when construction must take effective measures to underground water level dropped to the bottom of the channel under 0.3 to 0.5 meters.4.excavation groove, should strictly control the base elevation, shall not be disturbed base and overexcavation.Basement involved in elevation above 0.2 to 0.3 meters of undisturbed soil shall be preserved, before laying with artificial stripping to the design elevation. Piping specificationDN225DN300DN400DN500DN60...
  • Release time: 2016 - 04 - 26
    ·The pipeline1.slot construction craft, according to the construction site environment, the groove depth, the underground water level, soil condition, construction equipment and seasonal influence factors such as comprehensive selection.2.groove bottom width of dispute, in accordance with the groove depth, ground water, soil conditions and easy to operate, these provisions empty groove width table can be used for reference in the involved, the construction unit.3.underground water level is higher than the chamfered bottom elevation, when construction must take effective measures to underground water level dropped to the bottom of the channel under 0.3 to 0.5 meters.4.excavation groove, should strictly control the base elevation, shall not be disturbed base and overexcavation.Basement involved in elevation above 0.2 to 0.3 meters of undisturbed soil shall be preserved, before laying with artificial stripping to the design elevation. Piping specificationDN225DN300DN400DN500DN60...
MMC-ST series, make flying easier.
MMC-ST series, make flying easier.
  • Release time: 2014 - 10 - 30
    产品:耐热玻璃水壶 1200ml颜色:绿色 / 白色 / 紫色 / 粉色 / 蓝色尺寸:245×137×92mm材质:高硼硅玻璃+食品级硅胶产品特点:耐热高硼硅玻璃与食品级硅胶组合,呈现一款每家每户家居必备的日用水壶。        最安全的饮水器具,水壶选用高硼硅耐热玻璃,耐酸性为一级,耐碱性为A级,膨胀系数低,其瞬间承受温差可达-20℃-130℃。壶盖采用德国进口医用级瓦克硅胶制作,绝无异味,健康安全,保证更持久柔软性,耐用性够厚够份量,才能够耐热。壁厚加厚至2.8mm,净重达500克,具有更高的耐冲击强度及更好耐热性。经过1200度高温烘烤,人工吹制成形。每一个产品都独一无二,1200ml大容量,居家必备。大容量水壶每天添水2~4次,满足一家人一天的喝水需求。
  • Release time: 2014 - 10 - 30
    选用布料 : 韩国进口网布/意大利进口牛皮坐垫泡棉:座垫采用高弹性泡棉,一次性发泡成型机械扶手:4D扶手,可以升降,扶手面可以左右摆动座椅机构:意大利进口机构 ,进口倾仰机构,进口气压棒活动轮脚:高强度铝合金五星脚,抛光处理选用基材:高密度微粒板、纤维板,抗弯力强,不易变形基材选用进口中、高密度微粒板、纤维板,抗弯力强,不易变形油漆德国百德润,渗透性和附着力特强,与木材持久结合,与传统树脂类涂料不同的是木材可以自由呼吸,随气候变化得到调节可延缓变形,最大程度避免开裂。气泡、渣点,颜色均匀;德国“百德润”环保聚酯漆,5遍面漆,3遍底漆。其性能达到耐火、耐污、耐酸、耐磨经全自动滚漆干燥机加工,色泽均匀一致,不出现退色、返白现象,耐污、耐火、耐酸、耐磨产品表面平坦光滑,无划伤、开裂和变形,平整度达到≤2mm可选参数台面颜色/材质
  • Release time: 2014 - 10 - 30
    食品材料:精选马来西亚大盐虾、马铃薯、西洋花、圣女果可选酱料:黑椒汁、葱香汁、甜酸酱可选配菜:意粉、法式面包使用食油:橄榄油是否油腻:少许油腻供应时间:12:00 - 16:00 1. 虾营养丰富,且其肉质松软,易消化,对身体虚弱以及病后需要调养的人是极好的食物;2. 虾中含有丰富的镁,镁,对心脏,活动具有有重要的调节作用,能很好的保护心血管系统,它可减少血液中胆固醇含量,防止动脉硬化,同时还能扩张冠状动脉,有利于预防高血压及心肌梗死;3. 虾的通乳作用较强,并且富含磷、钙、对小儿、孕妇尤有补益功效;4. 日本大阪大学的科学家最近发现,虾体内的虾青素有助于消除因时差反应而产生的“时差症”。虾忌与某些水果同吃。虾含有比较丰富的蛋白质和钙等营养物质。如果把它们与含有鞣酸的水果,如葡萄石榴、山楂、柿子等同食,不仅会降低蛋白质的营养价值,而且鞣酸和钙离子结合形成不溶性结合物刺激肠胃,引起人体不适,出现呕吐、头晕、恶心和腹痛腹泻等症状。海鲜与这些水果同吃至少应间隔2小时。中老年人、孕妇、心血管病患者、肾虚阳痿、男性不育症、腰脚无力之人更适合食用;同时适宜中老年人缺钙所致的小腿抽筋者食用;宿疾者、正值上火之时不宜食虾;体质过敏,如患过敏性鼻炎、支气管炎、反复发作性过敏性皮炎的老年人不宜吃虾;另外虾为动风发物,患有皮肤疥癣者忌食。
  • Release time: 2014 - 10 - 30
    灯罩辅材质: PMMA高透光率灯罩灯身辅材质: ABS+五金底盘体积: <0.5m毛重: 3.2KG 灯身主材质: ABS+五金底盘 颜色分类: 方形【客厅25-30㎡】LED三段分控型 圆形-双段分控升级版【卧室10-15㎡】LED带夜灯模式 圆形-单控型【卧室10-15㎡】LED非分控款灯罩主材质: PMMA高透光率灯罩光源 类型: LED工艺: 镂空雕花光源个数: 1照射面积: 10m^2 -15m^2灯具是否带光源: 带光源电压: 220V功率: 22W 适用空间: 餐厅 书房 卧室 其他/other 小卧 会议室 小客厅风格: 简约现代        不同光源的灯具适用的场所各有不同,如使用普通白炽灯泡、荧光灯的吸顶灯主要用于居家、教室、办公楼等空间层高为4米左右场所的照明;功率和光源体积较大的高强度气体放电灯主要用于体育场馆、大卖场及厂房等层高在4至9米等场所的照明。为了既能为工作面取得足够的高度,同时又能省电,荧光吸顶灯通常是家居、学校、商店和办公室照明的首选。
  • Release time: 2014 - 10 - 30
    商品名称:KUMATV四核版(黑色)商品编号:1086364品牌:KUMA(10moons)商品重:0.736kg商品产地:中国大陆系统:Android功能:点播,游戏,教育,购物,多屏互动,健康,本地播放        数字机顶盒不仅是用户终端,还是网络终端,它能使模拟电视机从被动接收模拟电视转向交互式数字电视(如视频点播等),并能接入因特网,使用户享受电视、数据、语言等全方位的信 息服务。目前,有些人认为机顶盒就是用来使电视机上网,这是一种认识上的误区。实际上,数字机顶盒是走在普及数字电视机之前的宽带综合信息网的组成成员之一。随着数字技术、多媒体技术和网络技术的发展,将促使数字机顶盒内置和整个成本下降,让大多数用户在普通模拟电视机上实现既能娱乐,又能上网等多种服务。
  • Release time: 2014 - 10 - 30
    品牌: 移动云冲击钻货号: WX316/WX316.1颜色分类: 橘黄色电钻类型: 冲击钻电压: 220V调速: 无极变速夹头类型: 通用夹头最大夹持能力: 13mm有无正反转向: 有电源方式: 交流电冲击电钻的冲击机构有犬牙式和滚珠式两种,滚珠式冲击电钻由动盘、定盘、钢球等组成。动盘通过螺纹与主轴相连,并带有12个钢球;定盘利用销钉固定在机壳上,并带有4个钢球,在推力作用下,12个钢球沿4个钢球滚动,使硬质合金钻头产生旋转冲击运动,能在砖、砌块、混凝土等脆性材料上钻孔。脱开销钉,使定盘随动盘一起转动,不产生冲击,可作普通电钻用。
  • Release time: 2014 - 10 - 31
    产品名称:Eims/移动云空调空调品牌: Eims空调型号: KFR-35GW/05GJC23A-DS空调面板颜色: 白色空调类型: 壁挂式冷暖类型: 冷暖电辅空调功率: 大1.5匹适用面积: 15-22㎡室内机噪音: 23dB以下同城服务: 同城上门安装空调售后服务: 全国联保工作方式: 变频能效等级: 三级室内机噪音(值): 22/39/41dB电辅加热功率: 1100W制冷量: 3500W制冷功率: 1060W制热量: 4400(800-5200)W制热功率: 1420(210-1800)W室外机噪音: 50dB是否循环风量: 550m3/h内机尺寸: 795×187×265mm外机尺寸: 780×245×540mm室外机净质量: 30kg室内机净质量: 9.1kg        在近30年的发展历程中,空调的技术、产品、服务创新秉承行业共赢的态度,以一个引领者的姿态不断带动行业发展。1998年、2011年,移动云空调和平台分别获得国家科技进步奖,其中移动云空调是首个获得该荣誉的空调品牌。在这过程中,移动云空调数次联合权威机构起草制定行业相关标准,如无氟变频空调安装标准、除PM2.5空调标准,将国家认可的进步技术输出到行业中,带动企业共同进步发展。在服务方面,自1994年在全行业推出无搬动服务以来,近20年中,移动云空调实现了19次创新升级,创造了“一年一创新、一年一升级”的行业纪录,成为全中国家喻户晓的空调品牌。
  • Release time: 2014 - 11 - 01
    产品名称:移动云抽油烟机净重: 22Kg包装尺寸: 1030×640×610mm尺寸: 895×480×528mm按键类型: 机械式按键面板材质: 亚克力机身材质: 烤漆钢板油烟机品牌: 移动云抽油烟机型号: cxw-200-8012颜色分类: 银灰色烟机安装位置: 顶吸式噪声: 51dB(含)-60dB(含)油烟机排风量: 17-20立方米/min油烟机种类: 欧式面板材质: 烤漆钢板        采用现代工业自动控制技术、互联网技术与多媒体技术的完美组合,为现代智能厨房提供了样板,带领现代厨房步入娱乐与享受的动感 时代。但是距离实际普及还有一定技术瓶颈。        按风机的机型来分,吸油烟机可分为轴流式和离心式两种。轴流式风机一般配浅型罩,风量大,风压小; 离心式风机风压大。市场上出售的吸油烟机主要以离心式为主,因此在机型上选择的余地不大,一般都是外排式,配离心式风机。  按结构形式分,吸油烟机主要有深型和薄型两种,另有半深型、欧式及抽拉式等机型。市场上的抽油烟机有薄型、深型、柜式三种类型。深型抽油烟机排烟率高,能与不同风格的现代厨房家具匹配,深型外罩能更大范围地抽吸烹饪油烟,其深型的机身便于安装功率强劲的电机,这使得油烟机的吸烟率大大提高。薄型抽油烟机重量轻、体积小、易悬挂,但其薄型的设计和较低的电机功率,使相当一部分烹饪油烟不能被纳入抽吸范围,有机会逃逸于室内,其排烟率明显低于其它两类机型。        柜式抽油烟机由排烟柜和专用油烟机组成,油烟柜呈锥形,当风机开动后,柜内形成负压区,外部空气向内部补充,排烟柜前面的开口就形成一个进风口,油烟及其它废气无法逃出,确保油烟和氮氧化物的抽净率。
  • Release time: 2014 - 11 - 01
    产品名称:Eims平底锅 1726DL包装体积: 51.5Xcm38.5cmX21.5cm毛重: 4.2kg直径: 26cm(含)-35cm(含)颜色分类: 深灰色品牌: Eims型号: 1726DL适用对象: 燃气灶适用材质: 铝合金产地: 德国特点: 无油烟不粘锅盖类型: 玻璃盖锅身直径尺寸值: 26cm深度: 7cm1.排气口让过剩的蒸气排出,使密封锅身内的气压不会超出应有的极限,同时确保此锅绝对安全使用。2.由于锅身紧密,造成油脂和蒸汽余留物聚集在上锅的内部,当您打开锅身时,这些聚集物就会滴在油脂滴盘上,如此一来, 再也没有顽固污渍和气味,容易清理,而且毫不脏乱!3.两面皆可烹煮 - 只需把鱼放入平底锅内 - 先让它在一面煎,然后翻转到另一面上继续煎。鱼肉外层煎得恰到好处,内层更是柔嫩多汁。4.再也不会逸出油滴 – 磁锁可紧紧封合,不怕食物的油滴沾污煮食地方。
MMC-ST series, make flying easier.
MMC-ST series, make flying easier.
  • Release time: 2014 - 07 - 01
  • Release time: 2014 - 07 - 01
    餐饮饭店用电现状简析 中国经济的快速发展,以及中国人对于食的追求,使得餐饮行业蓬勃发展,其中具有代表性的中式餐厅、茶楼、咖啡厅、西餐厅以及快餐厅在快速发展,竞争趋于激烈化,如何在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出,不仅需要餐厅具有可口美味的饭菜,还需要有良好的用餐环境和用餐卫生,更加重要的是,需要具有吸引客户的灯光。灯光对于人而言有很强的引导作用,因为不同的灯光设计有不同的诉求。大部分的餐饮店为了吸引客户,往往在照明投入颇多,以求吸引更大范围类的更多客户,因此,照明投入较大。对于一个有200桌次的餐厅,当处于营业高峰期时,用电功率可达到100千瓦,每月的用电量高达20000度,而照明部分的用电占所有的电量的60%,对餐饮行业的商家来说是电费支出已是一项主要的成本,而对于老旧照明系统的改造。不但能够实现节能,还能根据餐厅的需求,重新进行灯光设计,通过环境改造,吸引客户,且灯具节能改造,成本低、见效快。餐饮用电症状分析 餐饮行业有众多的筒灯与天花灯,而天花灯耗电大,发热量大,寿命短。由于营业的特殊性,一般营业时间,所有的灯具基本全亮,当采用老式灯具时,照明成本很高。而LED照明,可以明显的节省照明部分的用电,节能效率高达70%。更换LED后,除节能明显外,更可以降低电路系统的维护成本, 降低线路损耗和对于照明线路的要求,减少开关的数量以及对于开关的要求。同时,LED的长寿可以解决灯具维护的麻烦。因为餐饮场所营业连续性的要求,传统照明灯具的短寿命造成的频繁替换有可能对营业要造成一定的影响。
  • Release time: 2014 - 07 - 01
    商场超市行业作为重要的民生行业,发展十分迅速,但现阶段,由于各种类型的商场超市的出现,行业的竞争日益加剧,多数企业都面临着销售商品的毛利润下降的,运营成本的上升的问题。企业利润的上升有两条途径,开源和节流,开源方面,首先,众多的超市的参与竞争,以及网络购物的兴起,使得顾客购买的可选择性加大,同行业之间的竞争加强;其次由于商场、超市所售商品的标准化、同质化,开源基本意味着价格的降低,服务成本上升。节流方面,商场超市最为重要的成本是运营成本,包括照明成本、空暖设备购买成本及使用成本、仓储成本。其中,现阶段而言,最为简单和最快实现成本节约的部分即为照明陈本。据中国连锁经营协会公布的《商超行业节能情况调查报告》显示,我国商场超市行业中存在着惊人的能源消耗。被调查的全国20家营业面积在8000平方米左右的大型综合商场与超市,平均年用电量为145万千瓦时,需支付总的用电费用约为130万元/年,占门店销售总额的1.52%;在零售业净利润仅为零售额 1%到2%左右的今天,以商业用电电费每度一元计算,节约一度电的成本相当于增加大约100元的零售额。商场超市的照明设备用电约占商场超市用电总量的40%—50%,所以照明节电对于零售企业,尤其对于成规模的连锁店来说更具吸引力,采取适合的节能降耗措施所能增加的零售额更是会成倍增长。如果照明用电节省30%,可直接带来40余万元的纯利润,等于销售额增加400万元左右。商场超市照明用电现状简析 一、照明用电设备严重老化 1、照明灯具:现在大部分商场超市的主照明用电设备有T8电感式日光灯具、T8电子式节能灯具、T5灯具、金卤灯、天花灯、筒灯、格栅射灯等。其中装有卤素灯杯的天花灯和装有铝杯、灯珠的格栅射灯无论是发光效率、还是灯具的利用效率,都十分低下,大量的卤素灯的发热量也大大增加空调的用电损耗。2、照明控制系统:大部分超市的照明控制系统都是一个开关管理一片区...
  • Release time: 2014 - 07 - 01
    学校医院用电简析 学校、医院作为培养人才、传播知识或公共服务性的重要场所,涉及的人数众多,在我国社会和经济发展中都占有相当重要的位置。随着我国教育和卫生事业的快速发展,目前全国共有各类学校尽12万家,各级各类学校在校学生有2.6亿多人;各级别医院、卫生院数量也高达6.04万个。据有关部门统计,全国学校和医院系统年总用电量超过600亿KWh,是公共事业单位中能耗最多的两个行业之一。为了贯彻落实国务院十一五规划提出的“十一五”期间单位国内生产总值能耗降低20%左右的目标,2007年9月教育部向全国教育系统各部门颁布了《关于开展节能减排学校行动的通知》,重点强调建设节约型校园的相关内容,加强学校师生的节能意识,目前相关节能措施在各地院校已如火如荼的进行;卫生部也下达了《关于加强卫生系统节能工作的实施意见》 明确提出了抓好卫生医疗系统的节能降耗工作的主要措施 。学校医院照明用灯简析 学校、医院的主要使用灯具有灯盘、支架、筒灯、天花灯等灯具。其中,由于我国的学校大部分建设时期较早,采用的灯具严重老化,耗电量大、灯具效率低、有频闪、显色性不高;严重损害了学生的视力健康,且某些学校建设初期没有考虑照明设计的要求,不是眩光很严重就是照度不够,不能提供一个有效的供学生学习的光环境。医院是病人治疗和休息的场所,照明需要充分照顾病人的情绪,由于活动空间的问题,往往病人容易焦虑、急躁、发怒,所以灯光的设计应该尽量平复病人的情绪,并提供良好的照明效果。医院和学校照明要求虽然不同,但所用的灯具基本类似,一般宜采用冷色温的灯具、防眩光能力较强,并能够大量降低能耗的灯具。其中,最好配置有智能调光系统,对于不同时段进行灯光调控,营造多种照明环境。学校医院照明用电电费成本控制解决方案 格瑞普照明灯具皆可实现智能调光控制,通过采用LED照明灯具,可以更好的解决眩光、耗能以及频闪问题。整体采用LED灯具,可以节能...
  • Release time: 2014 - 07 - 01
    办公楼宇用电简析 一组来自国家有关部门的调查数字显示: 我国办公楼宇年电力消耗总量占全国总消耗量的10%,能源费用超过800亿元,主要包括政府机关、企事业单位、商业写字楼等办公楼宇,大部分办公楼宇的全年用电量在100KWH以上,其中空调用电在45-50%;用户室内用电35-40%;公用电费支出10-15%。目前,国内楼宇大多采用行政管理手段进行,例如“更换灯的类型”、“随手关灯”、“降低空调温度” 等等,这些被动式的节能手段要么节能不节钱,要么收效甚微,节能效率不超过10%,并没有从根本上解决系统电能的损失,若投资进行技术性改造,采用不同技术手段进行组合,以综合降低系统不同形式的电能损失,则可以达到50%以上的综合节能效果。办公楼宇照明灯具简析 照明系统的耗电量非常大,在办公楼宇中仅次于空调的耗电。现阶段办公楼宇的照明主要包括室内照明和夜景照明两种,其中,室内照明消耗能源占绝对优势;室内照明早期主要采用电感式T8灯具,后期多采用T8电子式灯具,筒灯和吸顶灯、天花灯主要安装于某些需要重点照明的场所。电感灯具的电感镇流器不但消耗大量的电能,同时,对于线路的要求为电子灯具的一倍,对于开关的要求也相应提高。并存在频闪和噪音问题。电子灯具由于荧光灯的发光原理的影响,灯具效率不高,且荧光灯寿命较短,更换维护成本较高,同时,实现智能化管理的难度很大。采用LED灯具,寿命保证在25000小时以上,且相对于普通荧光光源,实现节能50%以上,有效的快速降低办公楼的能耗。
  • Release time: 2014 - 07 - 01
    随着LED技术的不断成熟,成本的不断下降,加速了LED显示屏的应用与普及。尤其针对企事业单位信息发布,广告传媒,体育场馆,舞台背景等应用LED显示屏更是大显身手。 LED显示屏系统通常由电脑主机,LED显示屏两部分组成。其中电脑主机主要负责LED显示屏界面编辑,数据下载等,LED显示屏则用来实际显示用户编辑好的数据。因此电脑主机和显示器之间的数据交换是必不可少的。 从数据交换方法上讲,也通常采用两种解决方法,一种为有线连接,主要采用RS232,RS485,以太网等技术;另一种为无线连接,主要采用433M无线模块实现。针对有线连接一般具有成本低等优势,但缺点也是十分明显的,有线连接必然要离不开施工,针对有些施工困难的场合,施工的成本是非常高的,另外有些地方是不允许施工的,更是对有线应用造成了限制,同时采用有线应用还存在后期维护成本较高的问题,因此当前无线通讯便越来越被LED显示屏厂家所认可。电脑主机与LED显示屏之间采用无线通讯。因现在电脑已基本很难再找到具有RS232端口的电脑,但是USB端口资源却非常丰富,鉴于此我公司特推出一款USB无线数传模块专门用于将电脑主机上的数据经由USB通过无线进行传输。且针对电脑主机侧,该USB无线输出模块会映射成RS232串口,因此针对原有电脑主机上运行的LED显示屏配置软件可以不加任何变动,使用起来非常方便。其中LED显示屏的基本组成部分包含有显示模组、显示屏控制卡、无线传输模块等组成。针对LED显示屏控制卡往往采用RS232总线接口,要想将显示屏控制卡和主机之间实现无线对接,我司专门开发了一款RS232转无线的模块。另外该模块还具有地址滤波功能,如果使能该功能,只有地址匹配的终端设备才可以和设备本身建立链接,从而使纷繁复杂的无线空间变得如此简单明了,极大地减少了设备本身因非匹配地址而造成的软件开销,增加了设备的稳定性...
  • Release time: 2014 - 07 - 01
  • Release time: 2014 - 07 - 01
  • Release time: 2014 - 07 - 01
  • Release time: 2014 - 07 - 01
    1.应用概述作为绿色能源代表,LED显示屏得到政府部门的大力支持,广泛应用于车站、银行、信息调度显示媒介,用作车次、金融、调度等信息的传输显示。2.功能效果n  LED信息发布显示屏系统能适应加快发展服务业的新任务,加快转变经济发展方式、推动产业结构优化升级的重要内容。n  LED信息发布显示屏系统能适应资源节约和环境友好发展的新路子,加强能源资源节约和生态环境保护,增强可持续发展能力,把节约土地、降低能耗和保护环境摆到更加突出的位置,以最小的资源消耗和环境代价实现又好又快发展。n  LED信息发布显示屏系统能适应建设创新型国家的新要求,积极推进理念创新、科技创新、体制机制创新和政策创新。n  LED信息发布显示屏系统能适应工业化、信息化、城镇化、市场化、国际化的新变化,进一步发挥好先导和支撑的作用,缩小区域、城乡间公共服务差距,促进基本公共服务均等化。n  LED信息发布显示屏系统能适应经济社会发展的新需求,提高外向型经济水平,物流、人流、信息流将更加活跃,安全、经济、可靠、高效,实现规模、速度与质量、效益的协调发展。3.方案特点n  基于IP网络化数字化传输:采用网络进行数字传输,并将控制中心所制作的节目和任务分发到各个显示终端,可通过网络实现远程控制和终端管理。  n  支持目前市场上的各种文件格式:能够支持多种格式,文件格式可以是BMP/JPG/GIF等图片,还可为PowerPoint格式、MPG2、MPEG4、AVI、ASF视频格式、Flash格式、HTML/MMS/EXE/COM等,还可以实现网络视频点播功能。   n  可控制各种显示终端设备:能很好的控制同步传输方式的双基色LED以及全彩LED。   n  实现准确和实时的信息播放:在控制中心编辑好任务表、节目表后通过网...
MMC-ST series, make flying easier.
  • Release time: 2014 - 10 - 28
    ·本科及本科以上学历·英语为母语(来自美国,英国,加拿大,澳洲,新西兰)·有教学经验及商务背景·外籍专家证 Foreign Expert Certificate·有国际认可教师资格证知名师范院校外语系师范专业毕业,毕业以来就一直从事小学、初中的教学和研究工作,6年的任教经验,特别是一年国际学校任教的经历,让我对中、外的小学生的语言学习有了更多的认识;在我的课堂中,学生的兴趣始终是我关注的出发点; 另外,语言不仅是一门语言,同时也是一种文化;更难得是的思维习惯的养成;我喜欢活跃互动的课堂形式,有趣的课堂形式利于提高学生的学习积极性,同时我也很喜欢教授学生掌握解题的关键,各类口诀梳理语法重难点是掌握的捷径!
  • Release time: 2014 - 10 - 28
    ·本科及本科以上学历·英语为母语(来自美国,英国,加拿大,澳洲,新西兰)·有教学经验及商务背景·外籍专家证 Foreign Expert Certificate·有国际认可教师资格证        Hello,我是LINDA,毕业于广州著名学府的英语教育专业,擅长地道的口语教学,多年的口语教学经验告诉我,口语学习必须要大胆开口说,英语是一种语言,重要的是懂得如何交流和沟通。流利的口语更可以提高语感,有助于更容易学习英语。我喜欢活跃互动的课堂形式,有趣的课堂形式利于提高学生的学习积极性,帮助你找到适合自己的英语学习方法、掌握解题的关键,独特而有个性的教学风格是我的课堂。
  • Release time: 2014 - 10 - 28
    ·本科及本科以上学历·英语为母语(来自美国,英国,加拿大,澳洲,新西兰)·有教学经验及商务背景·外籍专家证 Foreign Expert Certificate·有国际认可教师资格证最受学生欢迎的英语女神。 教学成绩:2013年获评明师教育最受学生喜爱女教师金奖; 2014年班均人数、带班量居英语科头名,并创下英语科目班均人数最多纪录; 曾参加高考口语,一模口语评卷工作,英语口语界权威代表。 教学特点:10年丰富的教学经验,执教高三保证班超过6年。自创语法填空(Grammar)稳夺8空技巧,小作文首句法,20分钟高分大作文速成法,助你挑战速度极限。2013年以来Sammi所带的班期期爆棚,人数居高不下,被学生奉为英语女神。
  • Release time: 2014 - 10 - 28
    ·本科及本科以上学历·英语为母语(来自美国,英国,加拿大,澳洲,新西兰)·有教学经验及商务背景·外籍专家证 Foreign Expert Certificate·有国际认可教师资格证        拥有全国认可的英语专业最高等级证书---TEM-8,极具英语权威。刻苦钻研Task-based Language Teaching(TBLT)教学法,熟练掌握Reading, Speaking, Listening, Writing课堂教学技能,在教坛凭借新颖教学方法,获得家长和学生一致好评,获得“最佳教师奖”。 “3P”魅力(Professional, Passionate, Patient)专业+热情+耐心=100% 魅力 Rachel执教的英语课堂生动有趣
  • Release time: 2014 - 10 - 28
    ·本科及本科以上学历·英语为母语(来自美国,英国,加拿大,澳洲,新西兰)·有教学经验及商务背景·外籍专家证 Foreign Expert Certificate·有国际认可教师资格证经验丰富·考点明确:Sarah具有丰富的教学经验,长期担任明师初中英语教材组成员,负责各大名校试卷分析工作,熟知初中各年级英语考点,提炼各类“易错题”、“高频题”;善于归纳解题方法和构建、整理知识结构体系;同时擅长针对考试题型演示解题方法,炮制最适合学生的“抢分秘笈”。 幽默课堂·轻松学习:Sarah以独特的“栋笃笑”风格,打造具有个人特色的幽默课堂,为学生们提供轻松、愉悦的学习环境。对于初中英语较难的知识点,Sarah善于以生动有趣的例子诠释,加速学生的理解及记忆。
MMC-ST series, make flying easier.
MMC-ST series, make flying easier.
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    • 发布日期: 2016 - 03 - 13
      The selection of instructions·General situation selection instructions1. Plastic drainage inspection well design, construction, inspection and maintenance in the new, expansion and renovation of urban and rural areas of municipal, residential area, public construction area of underground drainage pipeline project, the inspection well diameter is less than or equal to 1000 mm, the buried depth is less than or equal to 6 m.2. Can human operation check Ii (pipe wall) well diameter should be greater than or equal to 700mm.3. The water outlet of the road should be used in the inspection well s...
    • 单位
      发布日期: 2016 - 03 - 13
      The selection of instructions·General situation selection instructions1. Plastic drainage inspection well design, construction, inspection and maintenance in the new, expansion and renovation of urban and rural areas of municipal, residential area, public construction area of underground drainage pipeline project, the inspection well diameter is less than or equal to 1000 mm, the buried depth is less than or equal to 6 m.2. Can human operation check Ii (pipe wall) well diameter should be greater than or equal to 700mm.3. The water outlet of the road should be used in the inspection well s...
    • Tee
      发布日期: 2016 - 03 - 13
      The selection of instructions·General situation selection instructions1. Plastic drainage inspection well design, construction, inspection and maintenance in the new, expansion and renovation of urban and rural areas of municipal, residential area, public construction area of underground drainage pipeline project, the inspection well diameter is less than or equal to 1000 mm, the buried depth is less than or equal to 6 m.2. Can human operation check Ii (pipe wall) well diameter should be greater than or equal to 700mm.3. The water outlet of the road should be used in the inspection well s...
    • 发布日期: 2016 - 03 - 13
      The selection of instructions·General situation selection instructions1. Plastic drainage inspection well design, construction, inspection and maintenance in the new, expansion and renovation of urban and rural areas of municipal, residential area, public construction area of underground drainage pipeline project, the inspection well diameter is less than or equal to 1000 mm, the buried depth is less than or equal to 6 m.2. Can human operation check Ii (pipe wall) well diameter should be greater than or equal to 700mm.3. The water outlet of the road should be used in the inspection well s...
    • 发布日期: 2016 - 03 - 13
      The selection of instructions·General situation selection instructions1. Plastic drainage inspection well design, construction, inspection and maintenance in the new, expansion and renovation of urban and rural areas of municipal, residential area, public construction area of underground drainage pipeline project, the inspection well diameter is less than or equal to 1000 mm, the buried depth is less than or equal to 6 m.2. Can human operation check Ii (pipe wall) well diameter should be greater than or equal to 700mm.3. The water outlet of the road should be used in the inspection well s...
    • 发布日期: 2016 - 03 - 13
      The selection of instructions·General situation selection instructions1. Plastic drainage inspection well design, construction, inspection and maintenance in the new, expansion and renovation of urban and rural areas of municipal, residential area, public construction area of underground drainage pipeline project, the inspection well diameter is less than or equal to 1000 mm, the buried depth is less than or equal to 6 m.2. Can human operation check Ii (pipe wall) well diameter should be greater than or equal to 700mm.3. The water outlet of the road should be used in the inspection well s...
      • Release date: 2016 - 03 - 13
        The selection of instructions·General situation selection instructions1. Plastic drainage inspection well design, construction, inspection and maintenance in the new, expansion and renovation of urban and rural areas of municipal, residential area, public construction area of underground drainage pipeline project, the inspection well diameter is less than or equal to 1000 mm, the buried depth is less than or equal to 6 m.2. Can human operation check Ii (pipe wall) well diameter should be greater than or equal to 700mm.3. The water outlet of the road should be used in the inspection well s...
      • 单位
        Release date: 2016 - 03 - 13
        The selection of instructions·General situation selection instructions1. Plastic drainage inspection well design, construction, inspection and maintenance in the new, expansion and renovation of urban and rural areas of municipal, residential area, public construction area of underground drainage pipeline project, the inspection well diameter is less than or equal to 1000 mm, the buried depth is less than or equal to 6 m.2. Can human operation check Ii (pipe wall) well diameter should be greater than or equal to 700mm.3. The water outlet of the road should be used in the inspection well s...
      • Tee
        Release date: 2016 - 03 - 13
        The selection of instructions·General situation selection instructions1. Plastic drainage inspection well design, construction, inspection and maintenance in the new, expansion and renovation of urban and rural areas of municipal, residential area, public construction area of underground drainage pipeline project, the inspection well diameter is less than or equal to 1000 mm, the buried depth is less than or equal to 6 m.2. Can human operation check Ii (pipe wall) well diameter should be greater than or equal to 700mm.3. The water outlet of the road should be used in the inspection well s...
      • Release date: 2016 - 03 - 13
        The selection of instructions·General situation selection instructions1. Plastic drainage inspection well design, construction, inspection and maintenance in the new, expansion and renovation of urban and rural areas of municipal, residential area, public construction area of underground drainage pipeline project, the inspection well diameter is less than or equal to 1000 mm, the buried depth is less than or equal to 6 m.2. Can human operation check Ii (pipe wall) well diameter should be greater than or equal to 700mm.3. The water outlet of the road should be used in the inspection well s...
      • Release date: 2016 - 03 - 13
        The selection of instructions·General situation selection instructions1. Plastic drainage inspection well design, construction, inspection and maintenance in the new, expansion and renovation of urban and rural areas of municipal, residential area, public construction area of underground drainage pipeline project, the inspection well diameter is less than or equal to 1000 mm, the buried depth is less than or equal to 6 m.2. Can human operation check Ii (pipe wall) well diameter should be greater than or equal to 700mm.3. The water outlet of the road should be used in the inspection well s...
      • Release date: 2016 - 03 - 13
        The selection of instructions·General situation selection instructions1. Plastic drainage inspection well design, construction, inspection and maintenance in the new, expansion and renovation of urban and rural areas of municipal, residential area, public construction area of underground drainage pipeline project, the inspection well diameter is less than or equal to 1000 mm, the buried depth is less than or equal to 6 m.2. Can human operation check Ii (pipe wall) well diameter should be greater than or equal to 700mm.3. The water outlet of the road should be used in the inspection well s...
      • Release date: 2016 - 03 - 13
        The selection of instructions·General situation selection instructions1. Plastic drainage inspection well design, construction, inspection and maintenance in the new, expansion and renovation of urban and rural areas of municipal, residential area, public construction area of underground drainage pipeline project, the inspection well diameter is less than or equal to 1000 mm, the buried depth is less than or equal to 6 m.2. Can human operation check Ii (pipe wall) well diameter should be greater than or equal to 700mm.3. The water outlet of the road should be used in the inspection well s...
      • Release date: 2016 - 03 - 13
        The selection of instructions·General situation selection instructions1. Plastic drainage inspection well design, construction, inspection and maintenance in the new, expansion and renovation of urban and rural areas of municipal, residential area, public construction area of underground drainage pipeline project, the inspection well diameter is less than or equal to 1000 mm, the buried depth is less than or equal to 6 m.2. Can human operation check Ii (pipe wall) well diameter should be greater than or equal to 700mm.3. The water outlet of the road should be used in the inspection well s...
      • Release date: 2016 - 03 - 13
        The selection of instructions·General situation selection instructions1. Plastic drainage inspection well design, construction, inspection and maintenance in the new, expansion and renovation of urban and rural areas of municipal, residential area, public construction area of underground drainage pipeline project, the inspection well diameter is less than or equal to 1000 mm, the buried depth is less than or equal to 6 m.2. Can human operation check Ii (pipe wall) well diameter should be greater than or equal to 700mm.3. The water outlet of the road should be used in the inspection well s...
      • Release date: 2016 - 03 - 13
        The selection of instructions·General situation selection instructions1. Plastic drainage inspection well design, construction, inspection and maintenance in the new, expansion and renovation of urban and rural areas of municipal, residential area, public construction area of underground drainage pipeline project, the inspection well diameter is less than or equal to 1000 mm, the buried depth is less than or equal to 6 m.2. Can human operation check Ii (pipe wall) well diameter should be greater than or equal to 700mm.3. The water outlet of the road should be used in the inspection well s...
      • Release date: 2016 - 03 - 13
        The selection of instructions·General situation selection instructions1. Plastic drainage inspection well design, construction, inspection and maintenance in the new, expansion and renovation of urban and rural areas of municipal, residential area, public construction area of underground drainage pipeline project, the inspection well diameter is less than or equal to 1000 mm, the buried depth is less than or equal to 6 m.2. Can human operation check Ii (pipe wall) well diameter should be greater than or equal to 700mm.3. The water outlet of the road should be used in the inspection well s...
      • Release date: 2016 - 03 - 13
        The selection of instructions·General situation selection instructions1. Plastic drainage inspection well design, construction, inspection and maintenance in the new, expansion and renovation of urban and rural areas of municipal, residential area, public construction area of underground drainage pipeline project, the inspection well diameter is less than or equal to 1000 mm, the buried depth is less than or equal to 6 m.2. Can human operation check Ii (pipe wall) well diameter should be greater than or equal to 700mm.3. The water outlet of the road should be used in the inspection well s...
    • 发布日期: 2016 - 04 - 26
      ·The tube top the minimum thickness of covering soil provide reference (foreign codes)without motor load 300 mmwith motor loadThrough the road 500 mmalong the road 600 mmThe civil engineering equipment load 600 mm ·The reinforced tube structure
    • 发布日期: 2016 - 04 - 26
      ·The tube top the minimum thickness of covering soil provide reference (foreign codes)without motor load 300 mmwith motor loadThrough the road 500 mmalong the road 600 mmThe civil engineering equipment load 600 mm ·The reinforced tube structure
    • 发布日期: 2016 - 04 - 26
      ·The tube top the minimum thickness of covering soil provide reference (foreign codes)without motor load 300 mmwith motor loadThrough the road 500 mmalong the road 600 mmThe civil engineering equipment load 600 mm ·The reinforced tube structure
    • 发布日期: 2016 - 04 - 26
      ·The tube top the minimum thickness of covering soil provide reference (foreign codes)without motor load 300 mmwith motor loadThrough the road 500 mmalong the road 600 mmThe civil engineering equipment load 600 mm ·The reinforced tube structure
    • 发布日期: 2016 - 04 - 26
      ·The tube top the minimum thickness of covering soil provide reference (foreign codes)without motor load 300 mmwith motor loadThrough the road 500 mmalong the road 600 mmThe civil engineering equipment load 600 mm ·The reinforced tube structure
    • 发布日期: 2016 - 04 - 26
      ·The tube top the minimum thickness of covering soil provide reference (foreign codes)without motor load 300 mmwith motor loadThrough the road 500 mmalong the road 600 mmThe civil engineering equipment load 600 mm ·The reinforced tube structure
      • Release date: 2016 - 04 - 26
        ·The pipeline1.slot construction craft, according to the construction site environment, the groove depth, the underground water level, soil condition, construction equipment and seasonal influence factors such as comprehensive selection.2.groove bottom width of dispute, in accordance with the groove depth, ground water, soil conditions and easy to operate, these provisions empty groove width table can be used for reference in the involved, the construction unit.3.underground water level is higher than the chamfered bottom elevation, when construction must take effective measures to underg...
      • Release date: 2016 - 04 - 26
        ·The pipeline1.slot construction craft, according to the construction site environment, the groove depth, the underground water level, soil condition, construction equipment and seasonal influence factors such as comprehensive selection.2.groove bottom width of dispute, in accordance with the groove depth, ground water, soil conditions and easy to operate, these provisions empty groove width table can be used for reference in the involved, the construction unit.3.underground water level is higher than the chamfered bottom elevation, when construction must take effective measures to underg...
      • Release date: 2016 - 04 - 26
        ·The pipeline1.slot construction craft, according to the construction site environment, the groove depth, the underground water level, soil condition, construction equipment and seasonal influence factors such as comprehensive selection.2.groove bottom width of dispute, in accordance with the groove depth, ground water, soil conditions and easy to operate, these provisions empty groove width table can be used for reference in the involved, the construction unit.3.underground water level is higher than the chamfered bottom elevation, when construction must take effective measures to underg...
      • Release date: 2016 - 04 - 26
        ·The pipeline1.slot construction craft, according to the construction site environment, the groove depth, the underground water level, soil condition, construction equipment and seasonal influence factors such as comprehensive selection.2.groove bottom width of dispute, in accordance with the groove depth, ground water, soil conditions and easy to operate, these provisions empty groove width table can be used for reference in the involved, the construction unit.3.underground water level is higher than the chamfered bottom elevation, when construction must take effective measures to underg...
      • Release date: 2016 - 04 - 26
        ·The pipeline1.slot construction craft, according to the construction site environment, the groove depth, the underground water level, soil condition, construction equipment and seasonal influence factors such as comprehensive selection.2.groove bottom width of dispute, in accordance with the groove depth, ground water, soil conditions and easy to operate, these provisions empty groove width table can be used for reference in the involved, the construction unit.3.underground water level is higher than the chamfered bottom elevation, when construction must take effective measures to underg...
      • Release date: 2016 - 04 - 26
        ·The pipeline1.slot construction craft, according to the construction site environment, the groove depth, the underground water level, soil condition, construction equipment and seasonal influence factors such as comprehensive selection.2.groove bottom width of dispute, in accordance with the groove depth, ground water, soil conditions and easy to operate, these provisions empty groove width table can be used for reference in the involved, the construction unit.3.underground water level is higher than the chamfered bottom elevation, when construction must take effective measures to underg...
      • Release date: 2016 - 04 - 26
        ·The tube top the minimum thickness of covering soil provide reference (foreign codes)without motor load 300 mmwith motor loadThrough the road 500 mmalong the road 600 mmThe civil engineering equipment load 600 mm ·The reinforced tube structure
      • Release date: 2016 - 04 - 26
        ·The tube top the minimum thickness of covering soil provide reference (foreign codes)without motor load 300 mmwith motor loadThrough the road 500 mmalong the road 600 mmThe civil engineering equipment load 600 mm ·The reinforced tube structure
      • Release date: 2016 - 04 - 26
        ·The tube top the minimum thickness of covering soil provide reference (foreign codes)without motor load 300 mmwith motor loadThrough the road 500 mmalong the road 600 mmThe civil engineering equipment load 600 mm ·The reinforced tube structure
      • Release date: 2016 - 04 - 26
        ·The tube top the minimum thickness of covering soil provide reference (foreign codes)without motor load 300 mmwith motor loadThrough the road 500 mmalong the road 600 mmThe civil engineering equipment load 600 mm ·The reinforced tube structure
      • Release date: 2016 - 04 - 26
        ·The tube top the minimum thickness of covering soil provide reference (foreign codes)without motor load 300 mmwith motor loadThrough the road 500 mmalong the road 600 mmThe civil engineering equipment load 600 mm ·The reinforced tube structure
      • Release date: 2016 - 04 - 26
        ·The tube top the minimum thickness of covering soil provide reference (foreign codes)without motor load 300 mmwith motor loadThrough the road 500 mmalong the road 600 mmThe civil engineering equipment load 600 mm ·The reinforced tube structure
      • Release date: 2016 - 04 - 26
        ·The tube top the minimum thickness of covering soil provide reference (foreign codes)From the motor load 300 mmThe motor loadThrough the road 500 mm600 mm down the roadThe civil engineering equipment load 600 mm ·The reinforcement material structureds: socket diameter e: wall thickness L: effective length dm: minimum diameter a. socket pipe structure diagram  b. Straight pipe structure diagram
      • Release date: 2016 - 04 - 26
        ·The tube top the minimum thickness of covering soil provide reference (foreign codes)From the motor load 300 mmThe motor loadThrough the road 500 mm600 mm down the roadThe civil engineering equipment load 600 mm ·The reinforcement material structureds: socket diameter e: wall thickness L: effective length dm: minimum diameter a. socket pipe structure diagram  b. Straight pipe structure diagram
      • Release date: 2016 - 04 - 26
        ·The tube top the minimum thickness of covering soil provide reference (foreign codes)From the motor load 300 mmThe motor loadThrough the road 500 mm600 mm down the roadThe civil engineering equipment load 600 mm ·The reinforcement material structureds: socket diameter e: wall thickness L: effective length dm: minimum diameter a. socket pipe structure diagram  b. Straight pipe structure diagram
      • Release date: 2016 - 04 - 26
        ·The tube top the minimum thickness of covering soil provide reference (foreign codes)From the motor load 300 mmThe motor loadThrough the road 500 mm600 mm down the roadThe civil engineering equipment load 600 mm ·The reinforcement material structureds: socket diameter e: wall thickness L: effective length dm: minimum diameter a. socket pipe structure diagram  b. Straight pipe structure diagram
      • Release date: 2016 - 04 - 26
        ·The tube top the minimum thickness of covering soil provide reference (foreign codes)From the motor load 300 mmThe motor loadThrough the road 500 mm600 mm down the roadThe civil engineering equipment load 600 mm ·The reinforcement material structureds: socket diameter e: wall thickness L: effective length dm: minimum diameter a. socket pipe structure diagram  b. Straight pipe structure diagram
      • Release date: 2016 - 04 - 26
        ·The tube top the minimum thickness of covering soil provide reference (foreign codes)From the motor load 300 mmThe motor loadThrough the road 500 mm600 mm down the roadThe civil engineering equipment load 600 mm ·The reinforcement material structureds: socket diameter e: wall thickness L: effective length dm: minimum diameter a. socket pipe structure diagram  b. Straight pipe structure diagram
      • Release date: 2016 - 04 - 26
        ·Pipe laying■Slotted construction process, according to the construction site environment, deep groove, the water level, soil, construction equipment and seasonal factors such as the comprehensive selection.■Trench bottom 1 for width, trench depth, underground water level, soil conditions and easy to operate, the provisions of the space of the trench width of the table can be used to refer to the construction unit.■Underground water level is higher than that of the trench bottom elevation and construction must take effective measures to underground water level dropped to groove bottom bel...
      • Release date: 2016 - 04 - 26
        ·Pipe laying■Slotted construction process, according to the construction site environment, deep groove, the water level, soil, construction equipment and seasonal factors such as the comprehensive selection.■Trench bottom 1 for width, trench depth, underground water level, soil conditions and easy to operate, the provisions of the space of the trench width of the table can be used to refer to the construction unit.■Underground water level is higher than that of the trench bottom elevation and construction must take effective measures to underground water level dropped to groove bottom bel...
      • Release date: 2016 - 04 - 26
        ·Pipe laying■Slotted construction process, according to the construction site environment, deep groove, the water level, soil, construction equipment and seasonal factors such as the comprehensive selection.■Trench bottom 1 for width, trench depth, underground water level, soil conditions and easy to operate, the provisions of the space of the trench width of the table can be used to refer to the construction unit.■Underground water level is higher than that of the trench bottom elevation and construction must take effective measures to underground water level dropped to groove bottom bel...
      • Release date: 2016 - 04 - 26
        ·Pipe laying■Slotted construction process, according to the construction site environment, deep groove, the water level, soil, construction equipment and seasonal factors such as the comprehensive selection.■Trench bottom 1 for width, trench depth, underground water level, soil conditions and easy to operate, the provisions of the space of the trench width of the table can be used to refer to the construction unit.■Underground water level is higher than that of the trench bottom elevation and construction must take effective measures to underground water level dropped to groove bottom bel...
Company Profile / Company Profile
Hangzhou jincheng industrial co., LTD. is located in hangzhou yuhang district, hangzhou city, zhejiang province, the registered capital of 156.66 million yuan, was founded in 1988.The company is a technology-based enterprises, benchmarking has been engaged in Qualification honor plastic processing industry, the rain sewage processing system research and development, and has international long-term cooperation unit, exported to the United States, Spain, Chile, China, Hong Kong and other places, get it Technical support consistent high praise.Company's main production is located in hangzhou city yuhang district diameter hills, production of plastic check well series products are complete in specifications, from 200 mm to 1000 mm, including chute straight through, elbow, tee, 45 degrees, four-way, starting well bridge and corresponding slime Wells and accessories, hollow shaft, etc., are exported to many areas at home and abroad, is highly recognized by using the unit T...
Video / Company Video
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2016 - 04 - 26
Main plastic forming technique of inspection Wells are weldi...
Hangzhou Jincheng Industry Co., Ltd.
Business Phone:0571-88585989
Phone:13336185803(Hong manager)

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